Annual Statistical Review gathers Island information in one place

The complete story of Prince Edward Island’s population, social makeup, and economy can be found in the 42nd edition of the province’s Annual Statistical Review for 2015.

“The Annual Statistical Review is one of the most important documents produced by the Government of Prince Edward Island,” Finance Minister Allen Roach said. “It is a comprehensive source of data and information that government uses to help determine where, when, and how best to deliver the critical programs and services that Islanders depend on.”

The 2015 Annual Statistical Review gathers data from provincial government departments, the private sector, and Statistics Canada to provide a socio-economic snapshot of Prince Edward Island. More than 100 data tables outline the province’s economic performance in 2015.

Among other things, the data show Prince Edward Island led Canada in international export growth in 2015, which increased by 16.4 per cent. The value ($243 million) and number (7,976) of motor vehicles sold were all-time highs, as were the number (32.2 million pounds) and value ($150.2 million) of lobster landings.

The 42nd Annual Statistical Review is available in PDF on the Department of Finance website at, along with a selection of downloadable Excel spreadsheet data.


Highlights of the 2015 Annual Statistical Review

• Island population as of July 1, 2015 was 146,447, an increase of 0.2 per cent over 2014

• 2015 economic growth of 1.5 per cent

• Employment averaged 73,200, a decrease of 800 or 1.1 per cent

• Unemployment rate averaged 10.4, a decrease of 0.2 percentage points over 2014

• Total labour income increased by 3.6 per cent

• Lobster landings reached 32.2 million pounds valued at $150.2 million, which are both all-time highs

• Farm cash receipts valued $466.7 million, a decrease of 1.8 per cent

• Consumer price index decreased by 0.6 per cent

• Retail sales increased by 2.3 per cent

• Housing starts totaled 558, an increase of 9.2 per cent

• New motor vehicle sales in 2015 numbered 7,976 and valued $243.0 million, both all-time highs

• International exports increased by 16.4 percent, to $1.3 billion

Media Contact: Brad Chatfield