Islanders to have access to new heart and lung rehab program in all three counties

Islanders recovering from a heart or lung event will soon have access to rehab services closer to home.

Health and Wellness Minister Robert Henderson said the new cardio-pulmonary rehab program being offered in Charlottetown will be expanding to Summerside by this fall. Planning for the Montague-based program will begin this fall. Funding of $325,000 will be provided annually for the three programs once they are operational.

“This 12-week program has proven to be very successful in helping patients regain their strength, rebuild their confidence and make healthy living a part of their daily lives after a heart or lung event,” said the minister. “Patients and families receive education and monitoring by health professionals within a supportive group of individuals who are dealing with the same challenges every day.”

The program benefits people who are recovering from a cardiac event such as a heart attack or heart surgery, as well as Islanders living with a pulmonary condition such as chronic lung disease or COPD. Spouses and caregivers are encouraged to take part in the program.

“Recently, I experienced a cardiac event that was very scary and left me unsure of what to do and fearing that I would do the wrong thing or do too much,” said program participant Shawn Connolly. “I was happy to be referred to the program, which offers me a good balance of rehab and education. Without the knowledge and support of program staff, I would not have the confidence to rehab in a way that is beneficial to both my body and mind while minimizing risk of another cardiac event. This program has meant so much to my family and I.”

Offered twice a week for 12 weeks, the program teaches patients about their health condition and how to manage physical and psychological symptoms. Participants say it helps improve their recovery, increase their physical stamina and reduce the risk of further heart and lung problems.

The program is delivered by a team of clinicians that includes nursing, respiratory therapy, physiotherapy, nutrition, pharmacy, social work with the additional support of physicians with pulmonary (lung) and cardiology specialties.

“This has been a very exciting program to be involved with. The changes we have seen in participants as their knowledge and strength (both physical and mental) improves is inspiring,” said respiratory therapist Heather Cyr. “Embracing and managing a health issue can be frightening, but watching fears diminish and physical abilities improve over 12 short weeks is very rewarding. The bonds that are created with other participants as they share stories of their own health experiences are invaluable. As an added bonus, successful completion of the rehab program can lessen future impact on health care system as a participants health status improves.”

The program began as a three month pulmonary (lung) rehabilitation pilot in Charlottetown at the Steele Building at the University of Prince Edward Island. In April, it was expanded to include a cardiac (heart) rehabilitation component as well.

There were 17 individuals who participated in the pulmonary program offered in January. Currently, there are 30 Islanders participating in the cardio-pulmonary rehab program – 16 in pulmonary rehab and 14 in cardiac rehab. Program referral can be done through a physician or nurse practitioner.

Media Contact: Amanda Hamel