New Resource Will Assist Islanders Diagnosed With HIV/AIDS

* Health and Social Services [to Nov 2005]
Islanders with HIV/AIDS will benefit from a new resource, "Blueprint of Care," released today by the PEI HIV/AIDS Strategy Implementation Committee.

Health and Social Services Minister Mildred Dover advised that the resource provides helpful information and resources to persons newly diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, as well as others who may be further along in the course of their illness.

The new resource was a recommendation of the HIV/AIDS Roundtable, held March 5, 1998 in Charlottetown as part of the PEI HIV /AIDS Implementation Strategy.

"Blueprint of Care" contains twenty-two sections, presented in a supportive, yet thought provoking way to encourage individuals to think about the many ways they can help themselves and access needed services. For example, there are sections on Who do I tell?, How do I manage financially?, and How can I eat well and get good medical care?

The introduction, written by a person with AIDS, immediately sets a context that is realistic, helpful and most importantly hopeful.

As more women become infected with HIV, a special chapter on women's issues is included.

The resource encourages persons to keep a journal and provides summary sheets for doctors visits and medication use.

It will be made available through AIDS PEI, Regional Public Health Nursing Offices and local physicians.

Development of the resource was made possible through a contribution agreement from the HIV/AIDS Care Treatment and Support Program of Health Canada.

Minister Dover advised that while the Department of Health and Social Services co-sponsored its production, persons with HIV/AIDS had direct input into the development of the resource, and they deserve much of the credit for the success of the project and its practical nature.

"While the content of 'Blueprint of Care' is reflective of materials from across the country, we believe that the inclusion of local Persons Having AIDS has contributed to an end product that is truly unique to PEI, and appropriate for persons infected and affected on PEI," said Minister Dover.

For more information, contact Jo-Ann MacDonald, Public Health Coordinator, Dept. of health and Social Services, (902) 368-5272.

Media Contact: Island Information Service