Call for applications and nominations for the Learning Partners Advisory Council

Education, Early Learning and Culture
Government is seeking nominations and applications for the inaugural Learning Partners Advisory Council, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan.

“The Learning Partners Advisory Council will support a broader view of learning as spanning from the early years to the workforce and we are asking Islanders to get involved in developing this process,” said Premier MacLauchlan. “Together, we will shape a culture of learning on Prince Edward Island, to advance the prosperity and quality of life of all Islanders.”

The Learning Partners Advisory Council will advise the Premier on policies, programs and strategies needed to support learners throughout their lives. Initially, this advisory council will lead a process to renew the vision and philosophy for Prince Edward Island’s education system.

This advisory council will be made up of 10 education partners, people drawn from organizations associated with the thinking, planning and implementation of education and learning policies and services, and 10 community partners, informed citizens from across PEI who have something to offer about improving our education and learning systems.

For the inaugural council, education partners will include the PEI Teachers’ Federation, the PEI Home and School Federation, la Commission scolaire de langue française, the English Language School Board, the University of Prince Edward Island and Holland College. Education groups are encouraged to nominate a learning champion from their organization.

Islanders are invited to apply for membership on the inaugural council as a community partner. The council needs individuals who are representative of Island youth, culture groups, people with disabilities and special needs, workforce support and planning, business and entrepreneurs, municipal leaders and more. Representation from Francophone, First Nations and Newcomer communities will be critical to ensure that the council’s discussions are informed, comprehensive and inclusive.

“We need to draw on the expertise of Islanders involved in learning and education, and I encourage anyone with interest in supporting our learners to consider this opportunity to serve and help shape public policy,” said inaugural Learning Partners Advisory Council co-chair Dr. Bill Whelan. “Together, we can guide education and learning in the province, with a shared sense of purpose and direction that is focused on the learner.”

Applications and nominations are now being accepted through Engage PEI. Members will be appointed for a term of up to three years and the council will meet up to three times during the school year.

More information is available at

Media Contact: Katie MacDonald