Highway officials join police to promote road safety

Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy
Highway safety enforcement officers will join police officers across Prince Edward Island October 19 to 23 to conduct check points aimed at encouraging safety and preventing accidents on Island highways, says Transportation, Infrastructure and Energy Minister Paula Biggar.

“The safety of Prince Edward Island’s travelling public is vitally important, and is a top priority of my department,” said Minister Biggar. “We take matters of highway safety very seriously, especially in light of the higher number of tragic highway accidents this year.”

Highway safety officers will carry out checks in cooperation with the RCMP and municipal police forces. The checks will ensure vehicles are properly maintained and operated and that drivers are following all safety rules.

The road check blitz is being carried out in conjunction with the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s Operation Safe Driver (www.cvsa.org/osd) Operation Safe Driver activities are held across the United States, Canada and Mexico with the objective of improving both commercial vehicle and non-commercial vehicle traffic safety. This initiative puts emphasis on safe driving habits as well as promoting the use of seat belts as a measure in preventing injury and death. Check stops serve to improve compliance with the rules of the road as well as driver and vehicle compliance with licensing and inspection requirements.

“We’re very pleased to have the cooperation of police in promoting highway safety through these spot checks,” said Minister Biggar. “This and other safety awareness initiatives are helping to reduce driving accidents and protect the travelling public on Prince Edward Island.”

Media Contact: Ron Ryder