Greenhouse gas emissions declining in Atlantic Canada

Communities, Land and Environment
The Atlantic Provinces Economic Council’s (APEC) recent report card Declining Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Atlantic Canada shows encouraging trends, says Minister of Communities, Land and Environment Robert Mitchell.

“APEC’s recent report points to Atlantic Canada as a leader in our country’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions,” said Minister Mitchell. “In a recent resolution passed by the Eastern premiers and New England governors, we committed to reducing emission levels by 35 to 45 per cent below the 1990 levels by 2030. APEC’s report indicates that we are currently on track to achieve this collaborative goal.”

GHG emissions dropped 26 per cent since 2004 in the Atlantic region compared to a four per cent drop nationally. The report card suggests a reduction in fossil fuel use, lower offshore oil and forest manufacturing output, and lesser fertilizer use as potential contributors to the decrease.

Prince Edward Island’s renewable energy efforts were noted at the recent meeting of premiers and governors as having a positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions. P.E.I. is a leader in wind energy and this source of power accounts for approximately 25 per cent of the province’s electricity consumption. Through wind projects across the province, including the recently installed Hermanville/Clearsprings Wind Farm, the province's installed wind capacity is up to 204 megawatts.

The P.E.I. Office of Energy Efficiency has also played a key role in our reduction of GHG emission levels. They have assisted close to 10,000 Island homes and businesses to conduct energy audits and/or complete energy retrofits to reduce their energy consumption. On average, clients see a reduction of 3.61 tonnes of greenhouse gases per year. Over the past five years, these programs have reduced GHGs by about 40,000 tonnes.

To read the full APEC Report Card on declining GHGs in Atlantic Canada, visit

Media Contact: Amber Nicholson