Prince Edward Island Health Inspector Wins National Award

Health and Wellness
Environmental Health Manager Joe Bradley’s hard work and dedication to his work in environmental health has earned him national recognition, says Health and Wellness Minister Doug Currie.

Mr. Bradley is the 2015 recipient of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspector’s 2015 Alex Cross Award. “This is a prestigious national award that recognizes a member annually for their leadership, promotion and commitment to advancing the field of environmental health,” said Minister Currie. “Joe has made an outstanding contribution to environmental health and safety and he is a most deserving recipient. We are all proud of his accomplishments.”

“We are so pleased for Joe,” said Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Heather Morrison. “This is an exciting recognition which also acknowledges the work of the whole team of inspectors here in the Chief Public Health Office.”

Environmental health officers across Canada are being recognized as part of Environmental Public Health Week from September 21 to 25, 2015. The national campaign is headed by the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).

This year’s theme is “Looking Back, Moving Forward; Building on 100 years of success.”

"Food safety is important to Islanders and we are very thankful for the good work of our public health inspectors and their important role supporting the Chief Public Health Office," said Minister Currie. "These dedicated professionals work to ensure the health and safety of Islanders through education, consultation and routine inspections of services and facilities.”

Environmental health officers also known as public health inspectors are certified by the Board of Certification of CIPHI. The certification process guarantees that the highest standards for entry into the profession are met.

Public health Inspectors work together with owners and operators of eating establishments, public pools, and child care facilities to reduce the chance of illness and prevent disease in PEI. Other responsibilities for the inspectors include areas of water quality, radiation safety, animal bites under the Public Health Act, Smoke Free Places Act and the Tobacco Sales and Access Act.

Media Contact: Samantha Hughes