Expert in teaching writing meeting with Island teachers

Education, Early Learning and Culture
Island teachers are learning from a leading expert in teaching writing to students in grades K-12, says Education, Early Learning and Culture Minister Hal Perry.

“Over 270 teachers are taking part in the Prince Edward Island Summer Writing Institute with Carl Anderson, one of the nation’s leading experts on teaching writing,” said Minister Perry. “Teachers are lifelong learners and this is a great opportunity to learn more about helping student writers.”

Provincial assessment results have shown that student writers may benefit from some additional instructional strategies. As a result, the Department of Education, Early Learning and Culture organized the Prince Edward Island Summer Writing Institute to provide additional professional learning in teaching writing.

Carl Anderson will lead a two-day seminar in Summerside, August 6-7th, on assessing student writing, conferring with student writers and mini-lessons. Mr. Anderson works with schools, districts and educational organizations across the country.

In his book, How's It Going? A Practical Guide to Conferring with Student Writers, he discusses the strategies for teaching students to take an active role, ways to weave literature into the curriculum, classroom management strategies, and responses to the most frequently asked questions.

“One important thing that teachers can do is to look for what students are doing well in their writing, and try to build on that, instead of only focusing on the errors that students have made,” said Carl Anderson. “Students tend to see themselves as we see them, so if we view them as young writers with strengths, they will view themselves that way, too."

Islanders are invited to follow along on Twitter using the tag #PEISWI15

About Literacy Assessments

Island students are assessed in literacy in Grades 3, 6 and 9 and results are shared with parents in October. Assessments are used by teachers, school boards, and government to identify and address gaps in student learning.

Parents are encouraged to take time to review the material and discuss the results with their child’s teacher. The assessments give parents and teachers an idea of how well students are doing in reading, writing and math at critical stages of learning.

For more information on provincial assessments, visit

Media Contact: Katie MacDonald