Document is one-stop shop for Island population, economy statistics

Data about the population, social makeup, and economy of Prince Edward Island makes the Annual Statistical Review a key source of information, says Finance Minister Allen Roach.

“Since it is the most complete source of information available, the Annual Statistical Review is used by government to make important policy decisions,” Minister Roach said. “It helps us determine where, when, and how to best deliver programs and services to Islanders.”

The 2014 Annual Statistical Review brings together data from provincial government departments, the private sector, and Statistics Canada to provide a current and historic socio-economic snapshot of Prince Edward Island. More than 100 data tables tell the story of the province’s economic performance in 2014 and the 2011 Census results.

Among other things, the data show that Prince Edward Island was the only Atlantic Canadian province to experience population growth in 2014. The provincial economy grew by 1.3 per cent, and employment averaged 74,000.

The Annual Statistical Review is available on the Department of Finance website at


Highlights of the 2014 Annual Statistical Review

• Island population is 146,283, an increase of 0.5 per cent and the only Atlantic province to show population growth in 2014

• 2014 economic growth of 1.3 per cent

• Employment averaged 74,000, a decrease of 100 jobs or 0.1 per cent

• Unemployment rate averaged 10.6, a decrease of 1.0 percentage point over 2013

• Total labour income increased by 1.7 per cent

• Lobster landings reached an all-time high of 29.8 million pounds, valued at $113.3 million

• Farm cash receipts valued $488.0 million, a decrease of 0.6 per cent

• Consumer price index increased by 1.6 per cent

• Retail sales increased by 3.3 per cent

• Housing starts totalled 511, a decrease of 19.7 per cent

• New motor vehicle sales in 2014 numbered 7,555 and valued $218.2 million, both all-time highs

• International exports increased by 22.2 percent, to $1.1 billion

Media Contact: Brad Chatfield