Trout and Atlantic Salmon Stocking

Communities, Land and Environment
Thousands of young trout and Atlantic salmon raised at the Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery in Scotchfort are being released into streams and rivers across the Island this week, says Communities, Land and Environment Minister Robert Mitchell.

“My department is pleased to work with local watershed groups, anglers, First Nations and the Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery to stock selected Island rivers and support our recreational fishery,” said Minister Mitchell. “The work of these groups will help to ensure that trout and salmon angling continues to be an experience enjoyed by thousands of Islanders.”

At noon on Thursday May 28, some 50,000 young salmon will be released into the Morell River at Mooney’s Pond in Peakes. These fish were raised at the Abegweit Biodiversity Enhancement Hatchery which has been producing fish stock for Island rivers since 2012. The hatchery is currently contracted to produce a minimum of 44,000 trout and 50,000 salmon fry annually using stock from four separate Island regions.

“Production numbers can vary from year to year depending on the availability of brood stock, particularly for Atlantic salmon, and on growing conditions,“ said Rosanne MacFarlane, Freshwater Fisheries Biologist with the Forests, Fish and Wildlife Division. “Production levels were very good this year so this stocking will help to free up some space at the hatchery facility.”

She said that more than 130,000 salmon and trout are being released this week.

Another 40,000 young trout will be released later this fall into selected rivers and an additional 4,000 trout have been set aside to support future fishing derbies in several Island communities.

Island streams and rivers tend to be among the most productive in Canada. However, they can be impacted by human activities in the surrounding lands, so some Island rivers need help maintaining their trout and salmon populations.

Media Contact: Amber Nicholson