McIsaac requests extension to lobster seasons

Agriculture and Fisheries
An extension of the lobster seasons will have major benefits for fishers, plant workers and others involved in the fishery, says Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Alan McIsaac.

“I have written to Fisheries and Oceans Minister Gail Shea requesting that she give serious consideration to extending the seasons in Lobster Fishing Areas 24 and 26A,” said Minister McIsaac. “I believe that fishers should be given every opportunity to complete a full season while respecting the health of the resource.”

Ice conditions delayed to opening of the season in Lobster Fishing Area 24 until May 8, and in Lobster Fishing Area 26A until May 11. Minister McIsaac is requesting an extension of the season in LFA 24 to July 8, and in LFA 26A to July 11. Although lobsters begin to molt in early summer, he is asking the federal minister to closely monitor the situation because water temperatures may be slow to rise. LFA 24 is along the north shore of the province and LFA 26A is in the eastern part of the Northumberland Strait.

“Lobster is the most important fishery in our province, with a total landed value of approximately $130 million,” said Minister McIsaac. “A shorter season could result in reduced landings and I am hopeful the minister will respond positively to this request.”

Media Contact: Wayne MacKinnon