Staff at local public libraries are once again offering assistance to shellfishers who may not have access to a computer at home, or have had little experience filling out online applications, says Minister of Tourism and Culture Robert Henderson.
“Last year we began offering this service at public libraries across the province after the federal government changed the application process and required shellfishers to go online to renew their license,” said Minister Henderson. “That change proved to be quite a challenge for a number of shellfishers who don’t own a computer or have had little experience using one. So we made staff available at our public libraries to assist shellfishers who have to apply online. Once again this year staff will guide applicants to the proper web page and assist them in filling out the correct form. I think it’s a great community outreach program, and one that will undoubtedly bring new users into our public libraries.”
All 26 public libraries in the province are prepared to assist anyone who requires help with the online application process.
A similar service is also offered at the province’s five rural action centres.
“Last year a number of our members took advantage of this service and they were very grateful to get the help they needed,” said Brenda Campbell, President of the Prince Edward Island Shellfish Association. “I received about a dozen calls this year from members wondering whether this service will be offered again. That’s a good sign that this is a great partnership and an easy way for some of our membership to familiarize themselves with computers, the internet and the services offered at our local public libraries. We thank the Public Library Service and Minister Henderson for reaching out to help our members with this online application process.”
Shellfishers who would like assistance can visit their local public library or rural action centre.