Core Government Internet/VPN Outage - March 25 2015

On Wednesday, March 25 2015, there will be a Core Government Internet/VPN Outage at the Sullivan Building Data Centre. This Internet outage is required for Aliant to perform scheduled maintenance.

This outage will be scheduled for 10 minutes starting at 2:30 AM on March 25th.

This outage will affect all connections to the Internet for Government Departments. Internet connections for Health and Education will not be affected.

Items affected include:


- Government Webpage

- Webmail (Groupwise)

- Groupwise Email incoming/outgoing (Health internal mail will be accessible)

- VPN access for all Government Departments (Dept. Health not affected)

The Clinical Information System (CIS), and the Drug Information System (Internal) for Health PEI and CSSL will be available during this outage.

Media Contact: Island Information Service