PEI Liquor Control Commission supports MADD Canada’s School Assembly Program

Representatives from MADD Canada will visit high schools across Prince Edward Island during the week of March 2, 2015 as part of the organization’s School Assembly Program. Seven schools will learn about the danger of impaired driving through this year’s presentations.

This year’s sessions are being made possible through financial sponsorship by the Prince Edward Island Liquor Control Commission. “The PEI Liquor Control Commission is proud to assist the work of MADD Canada which helps to prevent needless deaths as the result of impaired driving,” noted Hon. Robert Henderson, Minister Responsible of the PEI Liquor Control Commission.

“We are pleased to have the continued support of sponsors like the PEI Liquor Control Commission who make it possible for MADD Canada to educate youth on drug and alcohol awareness, as well as risk reduction,” noted Russ Stewart, MADD Canada Charlottetown Chapter.

Presentations of the English language Aftermath are scheduled for Colonel Gray Senior High School, Morell Regional High School, Montague Regional High School and Kensington Intermediate Senior High School, while presentations of the French language Impact will take place in École la Belle Cloche, L’École François-Buote and École Pierre Chiasson.

Media Contact: James MacLeod