Island students have more opportunities to be physically active

Health and Wellness
The provincial government is partnering with ACTIVE AT SCHOOL to provide physical activity equipment to Prince Edward Island schools, says Premier Robert Ghiz.

“I am thrilled to see our local school communities joining the ACTIVE AT SCHOOL movement to get our children moving for an hour a day,” said Premier Ghiz. “Encouraging our students to live a healthy, active lifestyle increases their overall health and well-being, academic achievement and fosters a life-long love of physical activity.”

A total of 55 public schools, three private schools and three alternative education sites have ordered physical activity equipment in the first six months of the ACTIVE AT SCHOOL program.

In September 2014, Prince Edward Island partnered with ACTIVE AT SCHOOL, A Canadian-Tire-led initiative to encourage physical activity in Island students before, during and after school. Through ACTIVE AT SCHOOL, Canadian Tire committed to a three-year $250,000 investment towards physical activity initiatives in the province, which were used to expand the School Health Grant. Schools across the province were given the opportunity to register and apply for equipment to help provide physical activity opportunities within their school community.

ACTIVE AT SCHOOL is partnering with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Health and Wellness, and go!PEI, a community-based healthy living program offering free physical activity and healthy eating programs for Islanders. Go!PEI provides information and supports to assist Islanders in making simple changes to their lifestyle to improve their overall health and quality of life.

Launched in late 2013, ACTIVE AT SCHOOL works with governments and school partners by offering access to its considerable network, resources and marketing efforts to reverse the trend of inactivity amongst millions of Canadian children and youth.

Learn more about ACTIVE AT SCHOOL at

Media Contact: Samantha MacKinnon