Expanded pap screening services mean that Island women have better access to pap testing closer to home, says Minister of Health and Wellness Doug Currie.
“We know that screening is the best way to reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer,” said Minister Currie. “The expansion of this service increases our ability to reach more Island women on a consistent basis and provide timely access in more communities across the province.”
Women are encouraged to schedule regular pap tests. Women should start screening at 21 years of age if they are sexually active. It is recommended that women at average risk of cervical cancer have a regular Pap test every two years. Screening intervals may vary among individuals depending on risk factors, test results, etc. Women 65 years of age who have had three negative Pap tests in the last 10 years can discontinue screening.
“Our goal is to improve screening rates by offering regularly scheduled clinics across the province,” said Tara Roche, Clinical Nurse Lead for Queen’s East. “Through our Primary Care Networks, we have been able to increase our capacity to offer important services, such as pap screening, to Islanders.”
Clinics are being delivered by trained primary care nurses and nurse practitioners across the province. To arrange an appointment for cervical screening, women can call 1-888-561-2233. More information is available on the Health PEI website at healthpei.ca/papscreening.
Upcoming Pap Clinics:
Tignish: Tignish Health Centre, 254 Phillips Street
February 10, 24; March 10, 24
O'Leary: O’Leary Health Centre, 14 MacKinnon Drive
January 23; February 19; March 13
Summerside: Harbourside Health Centre, 243 Heather Moyse Drive
February 10, 17; March 3, 17, 31
Charlottetown: Sherwood Medical Centre, 15 Brackley Point Road
January 23, 27; February 6, 9, 20, 27; March 4, 10, 18, 24
Montague: Montague Health Centre, 407 MacIntyre Avenue
January 20; February 12; March 24
Souris: Eastern Kings Health Centre, 7 Green Street
February 24